About Us

The Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) is a vast mega-project, a plan for over a million hectares of plantations and industrialised agriculture that threatens the people and environment across the southern part of West Papua. Indonesian and foreign companies have each claimed their share of the land, and offer the local Malind people next-to-nothing in exchange for the forest that has sustained them for countless generations.

West Papua, where the MIFEE project is set to take place, is a conflict zone. The Papuan people have been struggling for decades for their freedom and self-determination. West Papua is also the next frontier for Indonesia’s plantations industry – after Sumatra and Borneo’s forests have been decimated for the pulp and oil-palm industries, now Papua becomes the target. Although some plantations already exist, MIFEE represents another order of magnitude, opening the floodgates to development projects across Papua in which the losers will be the Papuan people.

awasMIFEE! has been created by independent activists in the UK as an act of solidarity with the social and ecological struggles of the people of Merauke and elsewhere in West Papua. We believe that it is important that people outside of West Papua also know what is happening in Merauke. However, information available about MIFEE can be confusing – much of it comes from different companies and government bodies, and each have their own way of describing the project that fits with their own interests and objectives.

By compiling information from different sources, such as reports from the villages affected, from NGOs and other groups, from Papuan, Indonesian and financial media, from local and national government, and from company websites, we have tried to unravel what MIFEE is likely to mean for the people of Merauke. We hope that a more coherent understanding of how this land grab is taking shape will be of interest to people who are interested in West Papua, in the defence of forests and forest peoples, in the struggles against agro-fuels and against the growth of industrialised agriculture.

Most of all we hope that this information can be the catalyst for action! Our initiative is taken independently, because we believe in international solidarity, unconnected to the programs of any NGO apart from communication and collecting data. We hope it can also be a source of inspiration.

The report “An Agribusiness Attack in West Papua : Unravelling the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate” is an attempt to give an overview of the situation in April 2012. It focusses on the following areas:

* Background information – to understand MIFEE in the context of West Papua, it’s history and struggles, and the local Malind people.

*What is MIFEE – how MIFEE presents itself as the answer to Indonesia’s food security needs. But is it actually just an excuse for oil palm and logging companies to conquer new territory? A look at the difference between the propaganda and the reality of development in Merauke.

*Reports from villages: A summary of news of what has been happening on the ground around the MIFEE project area, compiled from reports of NGOs that have visited the area, local media and letters sent from villagers.

*Company Profiles: Tracing where the money comes from behind each proposed plantation. Which of Indonesia’s top business conglomerates are involved? How South Korean companies have been buying up plantations. How Australia’s top-selling sugar brand is connected to forest destruction in Papua.

News of further developments will be posted here, and from time to time updates containing news of all recent developments will be published. contact us at awasmifee [ at ] potager.org


  1. d-a
    | Permalink

    nice report guys..

  2. Mary Baines
    | Permalink

    Hi there
    My name is Mary Baines and I am a journalist with Radio New Zealand International. I am doing a story on the plans for a sugar cane plantation in the Arus Islands.
    I was hoping to talk to someone from MIFEE to get some more details.
    Looking forward to hearing back.
    Kind regards, Mary. 0064 4 474 1432

  3. Maire Leadbeater
    | Permalink

    Are there any links to Merauke or West Papua of the companies listed in the Greenpeace report about Proctor and Gamble? Possibly Musim Mas or KLK?
    Could be a focus for a campaign?

    P&Gs Dirty Secret

    Media briefing on Greenpeace International’s investigation of how P&G’s palm oil suppliers are pushing Sumatran tigers and orang-utans closer to extinction February 2014


  4. Yosehi Mekiuw
    | Permalink

    saya putri asli Malind Yei, tepatnya dari Hulu sungai Maro. Hai orang Yei Berkacalah dari sodara-sodara kita di Baad, Senegi, yang sekarang menjadi miskin di Tanahnya sendiri. Uang tanah dipakai untuk berfoya-foya, sekarang menjadi miskin. Harapan orang Yei (BUPUL) yang sudah dapat uang tanah, uangnya bisa dipakai untuk modal usaha bukan untuk berfoya-foya, karena kalian sudah kehilangan sumber mata pencaharian (hutan dan Kali).

  5. Mapjai Kopeu
    | Permalink

    Saya pribadi tidak alergi dengan investasi “sepanjang investasi berimbang” antara Investor dengan pemerintah, masyarakat dan lingkungan”. Tentu saja investasi membawa informasi teknolgi dan peningkatan ekonomi ..karena akan terjadi perputaran rupiah yg luar biasa… disatu pihak kita akan meletakan porsi lingkungan pada tempatnya. So.. Komunikasi itu penting, keterbukaan itu penting, audit itu penting… Lakukan lah yang terbaik ” pasti semua masalah ada jalan keluarnya… tentu melalui mekanisme rasional… karena dengan keberpihakan terhadap ke 3 aspek tadi,,, semua akan selesai,…trada yg susah… justru kita harus hati2 dengan provokator dan yg melempar batu sembunyi tangan,,,, Maju trusss kam pasti bisa…

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