Tag Archives: Medco

PT Selaras Inti Semesta continues logging, but isn’t giving work to Zanegi villagers

[awasMIFEE note: PT Selaras Inti Semesta is a subsidiary of the Medco Group, which is also developing industrialised rice production on the Merauke area] Merauke, Jubi – the community in Zanegi village, Malind District has expressed their disappointment in a company which has been felling the trees in their forest and processing the wood, PT […]

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West Papua Oil Palm Atlas – The companies behind the plantation explosion.

Indonesia’s oil palm industry is moving east. With large tracts of land increasingly difficult to find in Sumatra and Borneo, plantation companies are now focussing their attention on Indonesia’s eastern frontier: the small islands of the Maluku archipelago and especially the conflict-ridden land of West Papua. In 2005 there were only five oil palm plantations […]

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West Papua Oil Palm Atlas Introduction

Over the course of several months, we have tried to collect as much data as we can about the oil palm industry in Papua. We have done this through a process of internet research, communication with local Papuan NGOs, church organisations, indigenous organisations and other activists, and attempts to contact government and corporate sources. We […]

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Government still looking to Merauke for industrial agriculture development.

Since the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate was launched in West Papua in August 2010, it has had the result of clearing the way for oil palm and sugar-cane plantations, but has failed to meet its stated aim to develop large-scale production of certain key food crops, notably rice. Now there are signs that […]

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PT Medco Papua to clear 2000 hectares for rice cultivation

PT Medco Papua will start to plant rice on 2000 hectares of land around several villages in Kurik District, Merauke. The company is currently making all necessary preparations including land-clearing and producing seedlings. The head of Kurik District, Stefanus Kagoup said to tabloidjubi.com on Friday 17th October that the company had already paid ‘tali asih’ […]

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Plans to replant newly privatised plantation in Manokwari

Last May, state plantation company PTPN II’s plantation and factory in Prafi, Manokwari was auctioned off to a Chinese company, PT Yongjing Investindo. PTPN II had been operating in the Manokwari area since 1982, and now many of the oil palm trees have passed the productive age of 25 years. Much of the land is […]

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PT Medco Papua in Merauke stops work, will resume once the Market Price Stabilises.

PT Medco Papua, which operates a forestry business in the Boepe area, Kaptel District, Merauke, exporting wood out of Merauke, has stopped its operations for the time being. This stoppage came about because various things the company were doing were contravening the labour law (law no. 13/2003). Officials from the Labour and Transmigration Agency had […]

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PT Selaras Inti Semesta’s promises that have failed to materialize

On Friday afternoon (21/4) the Kampung Zanegi clinic grounds were crowded with people, sitting together on the mats they had spread out to discuss various matters connected with the PT Selaras Inti Semesta (SIS) industrial forest plantation. One interesting and serious issue concerned the promises the company had made to support the education of Zanegi’s […]

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Manokwari Tastes the Bitterness of Oil Palm

Little by little, people start to taste the bitterness of oil palm. It came as a big shock to both the indigenous people and residents of the transmigration settlements in SP8 to SP10 Masni and Sidey, Manokwari regency. Heavy rain all night long eventually meant that by the morning of 16th February 2014 the calm […]

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Medco in Manokwari: stepping up the pressure on land and community.

Medco moved into Manokwari in 2008 to start an oil palm plantation. At that point it could still be counted as one of the pioneers of oil palm in West Papua. A few years later, as large expanses of land for new plantations become increasingly hard to obtain in Sumatra and Kalimantan, more and more […]

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