An action at PT Mayora’s offices on Monday passed off peacefully. Marind people were protesting the company’s strategy of entering an area before developing proper plans, creating a climate of fear amongst the community. This fear had been heightened when the company had accused the people of being separatists and members of the OPM. Here’s some updates from the local press:
(from Papua Pos:) After meeting together in Payum on Sunday, dozens of Marind people from Okaba, Ilwayab and Tubang districts visited PT Mayora’s offices on Jalan Ternate.
Apart from engaging in dialogue with two office workers, they also blockaded the office, using a traditional symbol made of young coconut leaves.
The Papua Pos witnessed dozens of people coming and sitting down in front of the office, where they spoke about the different problems caused by the company’s plan for investment. Unfortunately the two workers were not able to take any decisions as their superiors were not present.
“I am unable to give a detailed response to this action where local people have shown their opposition to the company’s investment plans. We are only looking after the office here. However, it is clear that the various reasons why the people oppose the project will be passed on immediately to the company’s national head office”, said one of the workers.
After around half an hour of discussion, the Section Head of Operations of Merauke Police HQ, AKP Muhzin Neungkela arrived. He asked the people to let the police know in advance if they were going to visit the company like this, so that police officers could provide security. “I only just heard that there were people at the company offices, so I came straight here,” he said.
(Tabloid Jubi continues the story:) Leonardus Moyuen, a well-known young intellectual ,said that the participants did not have any intention of destroying the office. “We only want to engage in dialogue all together, and request the company to get out of Merauke right away. They can’t start business activities in villages across three districts while they are still in the planning process.” he explained
He admitted that PT Mayora had not properly started work. Only that the people from each village had already been set against their neighbours, because the claims about the boundaries of their lands would conflict. This was the outcome of the company’s method of moving in quietly and trying to ‘seduce’ local people.
He also asked the Merauke Regency leader, Romanus Mbaraka to mediate a renegotiation. Meaning that all relevant parties such as government institutions, the council as representatives of the people, the company and delegations from each village, sit down and discuss and look for a way to resolve the problem.